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Join date : 2024-02-20

York County, PA -- Central System (Site 040)  - Use 770.05625 as your Control Channel Empty York County, PA -- Central System (Site 040) - Use 770.05625 as your Control Channel

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:32 pm
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post, as I just received my new Nano P25RX yesterday,  but wanted to share something that happened while programming it.  For those of you using the Central System {Site 040) as I am, you will / may need to use 770.05625 as the Control Channel.  My P25RX was programed with all 4 sites listed for York County.  The Central Control Channel showed as 769.356250, and all the other sites loaded their correct Control Channels which I confirmed with Radio Reference.   Unfortunately, I did not hear anything on any site that I selected and my P25RX never locked on anything.  Yet, in another room, a different radio was receiving with no problem.  Upon investigating that radio, I found that it used 770.05625 as the Control Channel.  Not yet sure where that Control Channel came from, because it is not one listed for any site for York County, PA on Radio Reference.  However, once I added it to my Nano P25RX, it immediately came to life and has worked wonderful ever since.  

So if you're having problems, enter 770.05625 as a Control Channel

Hope this helps..


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