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Join date : 2023-12-11

Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Eaglemon/Nano control features

Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:08 am
Side story:
After updating my firmware over the weekend on the Wio and the Nano, something happened when I connected the two units together and I think I blew something on the Wio. I got a message on my PC about a power surge on the USB port the Nano was using, so I disconnected both units from the PC and each other. I was able to get the nano to restart but the Wio won't power up anymore regardless of what I plug it into (computer, USB-C wall outlet, via the Nano connected to power through its USB). Probably my fault, but not really worried about it because the Wio is so inexpensive. End result is I can use the Nano with Eaglemon, but I can't really control anything from that interface other than to enter the config settings.

My question:
Is there a plan to integrate any of the control features of the Wio into Eaglemon? Until I replace my Wio, I can use Eaglemon to scan whatever system the Nano powers up to, but I can't control any of the other settings like TG hold/ignore, switching sites, etc. Was this designed to always be used with the Wio even when attached to a PC, or are these features planned for development?
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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:31 am
AutoDoze wrote:Side story:
After updating my firmware over the weekend on the Wio and the Nano, something happened when I connected the two units together and I think I blew something on the Wio. I got a message on my PC about a power surge on the USB port the Nano was using, so I disconnected both units from the PC and each other. I was able to get the nano to restart but the Wio won't power up anymore regardless of what I plug it into (computer, USB-C wall outlet, via the Nano connected to power through its USB).

Two things I can think of that could have damaged the Wio are:

1) having both the Nano microUSB port and the Wio USB C port connected to 5v power sources at the same time. (two voltage sources)

2) The 40 pin gpio connection not aligned properly. (shorting the 5 volt line to ground)

Have you tried just powering the Wio as a "stand alone" device with its USB C port - NOT connected to the Nano 40 pins? You may only see a blue light near the Wio USB C port flashing, if the Wio is in bootloader mode. In bootloader mode, the screen will be blank.

AutoDoze wrote:
My question:
Is there a plan to integrate any of the control features of the Wio into Eaglemon? Until I replace my Wio, I can use Eaglemon to scan whatever system the Nano powers up to, but I can't control any of the other settings like TG hold/ignore, switching sites, etc. Was this designed to always be used with the Wio even when attached to a PC, or are these features planned for development?

Todd will have to answer your question about his control feature additions planned for the EagleMon. Todd has mentioned some control features are planned, yes.
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Join date : 2023-12-11

Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:53 am
It was probably the two voltage inputs. Yes I've tried in standalone mode, I tore the whole thing down to the board today, definitely no LEDs or response from anything I've tried. If it was in bootloader mode, I would expect the computer to pick it up as a drive but it hasn't.
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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:46 pm
Have you already tried reloading firmware on the Wio? The Wio is known to lose firmware on rare ocassions. Yes, I would like to add some of the Wio menu functions to the eaglemon software, but haven't got that far yet.
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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:10 pm
Sorry, just noticed I didn't read you last message in response to goldmyne99. Does sound like a hardware issue with the Wio if there is no leds. You do need to double-activate the power-on to start bootloader mode. I've accidentally turned the power-button off before and not realized it.
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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:57 am
Finally got around to ordering a new Wio and got all the firmware updated on it and the Nano (while paying attention to which unit was plugged in this time). Everything works fine now, so let this serve as a lesson to everyone - be careful not to accidentally plug both devices in at the same time. The Wio will pay the price Eaglemon/Nano control features 1f62c
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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:27 am
AutoDoze wrote:Finally got around to ordering a new Wio and got all the firmware updated on it and the Nano (while paying attention to which unit was plugged in this time). Everything works fine now, so let this serve as a lesson to everyone - be careful not to accidentally plug both devices in at the same time. The Wio will pay the price  Eaglemon/Nano control features 1f62c

There are diodes on the supply, so the issue might have been something else. I plug USB power into both devices simultaneously all the time.
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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:28 am
FWIW, about a year ago my college son had a Wio fail for a school project (not used on any BTT radio) . Seeed Studio replaced it under their 12 month warranty.

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Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:39 pm
Please also check the sliding power switch to make sure that it is on. Sometimes it gets turned off unintentionally and causes this issue. It isn't always immediately obvious if you always have the switch on and only use it for the spring/reset feature to start the bootloader.
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Join date : 2023-12-11

Eaglemon/Nano control features Empty Re: Eaglemon/Nano control features

Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:45 am
Not entirely sure what happened, but it's not related to the switches or bootloader mode. Something I did caused a power surge that damaged it, I wish I was paying closer attention when it happened. I was also using a ribbon cable to extend the PCB away from the Wio device, so I could have reversed something there too.
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